My sO-CaLLeD LiFe

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My sO-CaLLeD LiFe
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"Living Right" Poem i made check it out :D

"Living Right"

What is it I want
Cause I cant keep searching for nothing
Miles of complete darkness
And yet im still hunting
Why did i start this
But yet its a start of something
I cant keep living a lie
Like im currently living my life
Im currently fighting a fight
That im fighting everynight
That i dont even have the right
To fight
Its the feeling you feel
When you feel you cant understand
When you feel
Like your hearts unable to heal
When you cant even stand
Thats when you kneel
And outstreach you hands
And decide
Your no longer gonna live a lie
And when you make that descision
To save your life
When you fall to the mercy and might
Of Jesus Christ
And thats when you gain the sight
Of eternial life
Now live like you gotta live
And start Living Right...

Re: "Living Right" Poem i made check it out :D

another amazing poem that is really touching to my heart well done. It makes me think of are life problems that we can overcome THANK YOU

Re: "Living Right" Poem i made check it out :D

Thank you for the support :) Im glad that my poem can touch someone :D