My sO-CaLLeD LiFe

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My sO-CaLLeD LiFe
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Tiptoe through the razorblades.

This poem is kinda random... i just started with the title and ran with it. post a comment n tell me what u think. <33 Lilz

Tiptoe Through the Razorblades
Each one, a gleaming jewel
One trip can take the pain away,
Can hide the world, so harsh, so cruel

The razor blade, will in the end,
Just give you scars. It’s not your friend.
The memories etched upon your wrist
Are the echoes of misery’s clenched fist.

The razorblades will prove your foe,
Don’t do it now, you’ve far to go.
Your life is too precious to throw away
You need to cherish every day

I don’t mean to preach, to tell you what to do,
I just want to say… once I was you.
I know it’s hard, but trust me now,
You’ve got to stop, or you’ll forget how.

Re: Tiptoe through the razorblades.

wow, thats an awesome poem. youre a really good writer!

Re: Tiptoe through the razorblades.

wow....that poem made me cry. that is one of the best poems on this page! keep posting, you are really good.

Re: Tiptoe through the razorblades.

aww.. thanks everyone. glad u liked it