My sO-CaLLeD LiFe

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My sO-CaLLeD LiFe
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ilovehim [[i think]]

theres this guy
that kinda has my heart
he is amazing
but im moving soon and we were both going to the same high school FINALLY!
i dont want to get into a really deep realtionship and then have my heart broken.
i think thats whats stopping him from asking me out
i reallllly want him badly but im not sure what to do :(


Re: ilovehim [[i think]]

go with ur heart girl. if u love him and he loves u then he will understand where u r coming from and wait for u till u are ready. take a chance n show him who u r n how u feel

Re: ilovehim [[i think]]

Hey, well im not sure how old you are but i am 16 years old and my opinion would be don't fall in love. Your still young i'm sure. Also love isn't like snapping your fingers. So i would just be careful with who you may "fall in love with."

Re: ilovehim [[i think]]

Love is a risk. Sometimes you just have to take that risk and hope for the best. Whatever happens, happens. Live life in the moment and never be scared to go for what you want. If you get hurt then wipe up those tears and stand up, that's what makes you stronger. Don't live your life thinking of what could have been, live you life thinking on how awesome it was while it lasted.