My sO-CaLLeD LiFe

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My sO-CaLLeD LiFe
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ok so heres the deal
my best friend went with a guy for about 4 months and then they broke up
she said it was fine and hooked us up
it was the best two months of my life :D
but then she turned around and told him she still loves him
we had stopped talkin for a while then made up.
then later in the school year i told him i still liked him ALOT! and he still has my heart.
but he turned around and told my best friend i said that!
we didnt talk for like a month and made back up.
while they were going out after we broke up they fight alot!
and you know who they run too?
yeah me
and its bad because i wanna say just break up and move on but i dont have the nerve too. i love them both to death.
and on top of that i talk to him everyday for about 8 hours.
i still like him but not as much.
how do i tell them that they just need to be through and needs to move on without them thinking i want him for myself?

Re: =[

this thing kind of happened to me and yea it was very stressing and hard to deal with. So what i did was invited my friend over for a sleep over and tell her everything. Like i told her that i didn't want the guy, but as her best friend I think she should move on and stop hurting herself. I also said that i was worried for her and i am not jealous. that if i was jealous I wudn't even be her friend and be telling this to her right now. she took my advice and broke up with the boy and now the 3 of us r pretty close friends. good luck to u