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This is my only source of internet (after school) considering im grounded till Christmas..blah! I dont really even consider this internet. Any site that isnt ed-u-ca-tion-al, is blocked.

I wanna say hi to everyone ('cept the Central people!) and everyone have a happy thanksgiving! I love the long weekend that comes with the holiday, but then the teachers give a ton of homework thats due monday.

And whats with the snow yesterday (im not a fan of snow & coldness)!?! I have swimming 6th hour, and so when I am outside waiting for my buss, the tip of my hair freezes. Bizzare, but cold.

Supose I should be going now, before I find some more things to complain about, but mainly so I dont miss my buss.



Re: spoons!

i hope u had a happy thanksgiving to ashley and i know what u mean about your hair freezing when it it wet.

Re: Re: spoons!

thannks...I hope your thankgsgiving was bestest too!