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Re: Countdown?

She posted the following on December 12th.
Where were you???? Obviously on a SUGAR high with all that "sweetness".
Pass the Splenda please.

Subject: You Won't Believe This...!
Name: Mythtery
Date Posted: Dec 12, 07 - 1:34 PM
Instant Messenger: Mythtery
Message: 114 days 19 hours and 24 minutes til Faire Opens!!!

Myth the Mischevious

*Open* *Open* *Open* *Open* *Open* *Open* *Open* *Open*

Re: Re: Countdown?

I do believe he wants an update! How about it Myth?


Re: Re: Re: Countdown?

Sweetness and Light indeed! LOL that was for Santa's sake........Oh Pam please give us an update.

open open open open

99 Days, 2 Hours, 3 Minutes - Til Opening!!!

I thought about it if you INSIST...

Myth the mischevious

Re: 99 Days, 2 Hours, 3 Minutes - Til Opening!!!

Your killing me Pammy

Re: 99 Days, 2 Hours, 3 Minutes - Til Opening!!!

Yay! I'm glad to see the count down up and running. Wow..99 days...Good grief, we have got a LOT to do! Eeheeheehee!

Re: 99 Days, 2 Hours, 3 Minutes - Til Opening!!!

ROTFLM*O!! Stop, your killing me!

Re: Countdown?

You really need to subtract 4 weeks from your total countdown...for that is when the fun truly begins. Mark

APPROX...71 days til Build!!!

Better Mark?

Myth the Magickal (yeah, right...more like delusional)

Re: APPROX...71 days til Build!!!

Now would that be Bander time or general Harry time?

Re: Countdown?

Hey Pam
How long 'til we get to hug and kiss on you guys at Twelfth Night???

9 Days, 21 Hours and 56 Minutes - Til 12th Night!

Let the hugging and kissing begin...Huzzah!!!

Myth the Mystical

Re: 9 Days, 21 Hours and 56 Minutes - Til 12th Night!

Ah yea Pam, I do likes me the number 9 I do, for a man can surely count to 9 without the taking off of his boots, nor his breeches as well!!!!

(So, you kids gonna enter the holiday costume contest or the gift exchange??)

Re: Countdown?

Ryan...well, Bander time is 24/7. He & I actually started the day after Faire closed last season. We don't have any kind of "hibernation mode". Cheers. Mark

Re: Re: Countdown?

No truer words were ever spoken about the two of you. . . .FOF is very fortunate that you claim us as your Faire family. . . .We're very appreciative and don't say "thank you" near enough.

Thank You Mark, Bander & all the Building/Planning Team!

How's that my Lady? Let's see how many Thank you's we can generate...

Myth the grateful

Re: Thank You Mark, Bander & all the Building/Planning Team!

Excellent as usual.

Re: Countdown?

ACTUALLY, you do say "thank you" plenty. That's actually the fuel that keeps us going-the appreciation and thanks, the smiles and the gratitude, and mostly because we have fun creating. If it wasn't fun with great people to be around, like all of your silly selves, then it just wouldn't be worth it. Cheers

Thank you Construction Crew!

*comes up for air*
okay, I would continue, but the digital extensors of my right hand are killing me!

Re: Thank you Construction Crew!

Well thank you all very much...

Seems as thought I've been hearing a lot of that particular phrase this year, much more than the last few at least. From my friends, family, assorted Faire crews and even my main overall Supervisor at my workplace (he even put me in for a bonus for my hard work - the only one given out this year).
Turns out, as I look back over the past year - even though I've been utterly tired, P.O.'d, "out of it" mentally, spiritually and emotionally (sometimes all at one time)- I've had fun - just knowing that I've either gotten stuff done or tried my damnedest to help get stuff done.

CHeers to us all.......



On vacation, visiting family and still armed with my drawing materials - working on the rough drawings for the gate and roof. Mark and I can go over them when I get back in a few days.......

Still Scheming in Sacramento.........