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House of Representatives salutes BO DIDDLEY (Part 4/4)

SALUTING THE LIFE AND MUSIC OF THE LATE BO DIDDLEY -- (House of Representatives - June 09, 2008) (Part 4/4)

Mr. Speaker, I never knew Bo Diddley, but I know he touched my life and that of all of us. Walk around heaven, indeed, Bo Diddley.

Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in strong supoprt of H. Res. 1251. "A resolution regarding the passing of Bo Diddley." I am proud to join my colleagues in cosponsoring this timely legislation. I would like to thank my colleague, Chairman Conyers of the Judiciary Committee, for introducing this bill, and for providing leadership on this important issue.

Bo Diddley was a musician par excellence. He was a singer, guitarist, songwriter, music pioneer, and actor.

He was born December 30, 1928, and recently passed on June 2, 2008. He was an American rock and roll singer. In fact, he was the progenitor of the genre. He was a guitarist, songwriter, and more. He was the key figure that transitioned from blues to rock and roll. Bo Diddley gave America hard rhythms, hard guitar, and his characteristic rectangular guitar.

He was born in McComb, Mississippi, as Ellas Otha Bates. He was adopted and raised by his mother's cousin, Gussie McDaniel, whose surname he assumed, becoming Ellas McDaniel.

His family moved to Chicago when he was the tender age of seven. There, he took violin lessons, but was inspired to become a guitarist after seeing John Lee Hooker.

He worked as a carpenter, mechanic, and began his musical career with his friends in the 40s and 50s. In 1955, he released his #1 R&B hit, called "Bo Diddley."

He appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show on November 20, 1955. During that appearance, he sang his hit "Bo Diddley." He continued to have hits through the late 1950s and the 1960s. In 1963, he starred in a U.K. concert tour with the Everly Brothers and Little Richard. The Rolling Stones, still unknown at that time, appeared much lower on the same bill. He would play with the Rolling Stones years later in 1979. He would play with the Grateful Dead, The Clash. His music was covered by countless American musicians ranging from Elvis Presley, Bruce Springsteen, U2, The Who, The Police, David Bowie, George Michael, and the Animals, to name a few. His music is timeless.

Diddley's song "Who Do You Love" can be heard in the intro credits to the movie La Bamba. He appeared on a 2003 episode of the sitcom According to Jim entitled "Bo Diddley," had a small role in the film Trading Places, starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, and appeared in George Thorogood's "Bad to the Bone" video. The song "Bad to the Bone" is a rework of Diddley's "I'm A Man." Eric Clapton's 1992 "Unplugged" included a cover of Diddley's "Before you accuse me."

On his music Bo Diddley once said "I don't like to copy anybody. Everybody tries to do what I do, update it," he is quoted as telling the Associated Press. "I don't have any idols I copied after."

"They copied everything I did, upgraded it, messed it up. It seems to me that nobody can come up with their own thing, they have to put a little bit of Bo Diddley there," he said.

He has left an indelible mark on American music. The founder of rock and roll. He was a tremendous musician and he had over a half-century of experience in the music business. He was a mastermind, a genius, he was Bo Diddley. We honor him and his tremendous contribution to American music. Heaven is a sweeter place now that Bo Diddley is there. And, the angels are surely singing.

Mr. KING of Iowa. I urge adoption, and I yield back the balance of my time.

Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. Speaker, I urge adoption of H. Res. 1251 and yield back the balance of my time.

The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Sires). The question is on the motion offered by the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Zoe Lofgren) that the House suspend the rules and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 1251.

The question was taken; and (two-thirds being in the affirmative) the rules were suspended and the resolution was agreed to.

A motion to reconsider was laid on the table.

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