BO DIDDLEY-The Originator Forum

BO DIDDLEY-The Originator Forum
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BO DIDDLEY: comprehensive song covers, tribute tracks, lyrics etc listing now available

A comprehensive listing of BO DIDDLEY song covers, tribute tracks, tribute albums, tribute band names and references to BO DIDDLEY in song lyrics written by other artists, is now available in the Blog feature of "The Official Bo Diddley MySpace Page", located at

The names of more than 2,000 bands and musicians who have recorded songs that were originally recorded by BO DIDDLEY are listed, along with the titles of more than 200 BO DIDDLEY tribute tracks written and recorded over the years in homage of BO DIDDLEY and/or the BO DIDDLEY beat, plus a comprehensive listing of references to him in song lyrics written by other artists.

David (Webmaster)