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The Tyrone Power Discussion Board
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'The Tyrone Power Story' et al

For those on the Pacific coast, it's not too late to catch our hero on the Fox Movie Channel now. They're repeating the (flawed) 'Tyrone Power Story' which debuted last year and pairing with 2 broadcasts each of 'Son of Fury' and 'Captain From Castile.' At least this is one broadcaster on which we can depend for a sufficiency of Power.

Re: 'The Tyrone Power Story' et al

So true--I came upon it by chance, I checked out TCM which is 132 on Dish Satellite, and Fox is 133, so I just skipped over and saw Captain from Castile was on--it had just started. I also watched (again) the Legacy program, which I agree is flawed, and also short for someone that was Fox's main draw for so long.

Nonetheless, it's good that he is acknowledged and younger generations can learn about him (and research him here! LOL).

Re: 'The Tyrone Power Story' et al

I hated that thing.

TCM is now licensing a lot of Power films and showing them, thanks to the persistence of the fans, I think.