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The closest Clooney ever got to looking like TP

I've seen a lot of George Clooney movies, and w/ "Ocean's 13" coming out, I decided to look back and pinpoint exactly where GC looked the most like Tyrone.

I found it: "Out of Sight" (1998). I recall watching that movie several years ago and having to pause the frames to gander at how much Clooney resembled 1950s-era TP.

Re: The closest Clooney ever got to looking like TP

Agreed. Terrific film! One of the best that Clooney has done and, well the only good one that Jo-Lo has done! Sexy film as well. Gotta love the tub scene.

The tub scene

The tub scene was really nice! I also like the scene in the beginning where he is flipping his lighter at the bank and contemplating robbing it. Muy bien.

Re: The tub scene

The music made a difference as well. Hip when it needed to be, jazzy, etc.

Gotta watch this again!

Re: Re: The tub scene

I bet you can get the soundtrack off itunes or find the songs that were in the movie off imdb.