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Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland

This book was written by Gerald Clarke, and it contains several pages about Tyrone and Judy's love affair. The author quoted Watson Webb on many of the passages, and if it came from Watson I pretty much count on it.

Page 164 "His dark good looks, combined with a virile athleticism and a voice as warm and rich as a Brahms symphony, had made Tyrone Power--for that was the name of this paragon--into 20th Century-Fox's biggest star, several rungs above Judy herself on Hollywood's top ten list. Every time the camera lingered on his deep and ever-so-understanding eyes, millions of hearts pounded like so many libidinous tom-toms."

There's more...go to, login, and look this book up. Once the book comes up, select the 'Search Inside' feature, and then type Tyrone Power in the search. There are lots of very interesting things in that book that even I haven't read before...their love affair was quite...strenuous.

Re: Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland

Yeah, I love when he recounts when they first met, how flattered she was (amazing, considering the mind boggling talent she had, she was still so insecure).

You've heard of the account that she was supposedly pregnant with TP's child and had and abortion as a result? I think I agree with Clarke in that she may have used that as a ploy to keep TP. Also agree with author as well that he read her letters out loud to his army buddies. Absolutely don't buy that. It certainly doesn't sound like the man himself and the author states that as well.

(P.S. I *think" the entire tp reference is here Kerry, but for the life of me I can't remember 100%:

Get Happy/garland bio )

Judy Garland and Vincent Price

Wow--some majoy comments here!

I can't imagine TP reading intimate letters to fellow servicemen--that doesn't sound like something he'd do even considering all those practical jokes he liked to pull.

As for Vincent Price's premonition--that's really uncanny.

My own encounters with people dying have been strange over the years. In my mother's family, usually a light goes out before someone calls about a death in the family. When a good friend of mine was killed in a car accident, I recall thinking of visiting him, but it was beginning to snow and the car in front of me skidded and went into a complete spin, then the flurries swirled like a ghost in front of me, like a warning not to go. My friend was helping someone on the curb and a car swerved over and accidentally slid into him while trying to regain direction. Months later, I was reading late into the night and looked up to see him standing in the hall at the door--I did a double take and the vision was gone.

I slowly closed the book and turned off the light.

What happened to Vincent Price doesn't surprise me at all!


Re: Judy Garland and Vincent Price

>>>In my mother's family, usually a light goes out before someone calls about a death in the family. When a good friend of mine was killed in a car accident, I recall thinking of visiting him, but it was beginning to snow and the car in front of me skidded and went into a complete spin, then the flurries swirled like a ghost in front of me, like a warning not to go. My friend was helping someone on the curb and a car swerved over and accidentally slid into him while trying to regain direction. Months later, I was reading late into the night and looked up to see him standing in the hall at the door--I did a double take and the vision was gone.

VERY interesting indeed, Melody. I'm not sure I believe in ghosts but have to admit that there are things we simply don't know/can't comprehend either, so who knows.

(We have a ghost story in the family as well. A visitation apparently !. Again, who knows.