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Re: Re: Great new book by Jeanine Basinger--Ty Power chapter

It IS a fantastic book! She's one heck of a writer and, as you say, it reads like a novel. I had no idea of its release until I was in a book store a few weeks ago and perusing through it saw the (something actually new written on Tyrone Power! Who would have thunk it :-)?!?!).

I have just one pet peeve however and that's with her statement that she doesn't think that "Nightmare Alley" is his best performance (but "Witness/Prosecution" is) and that fact that he ultimately didn't stretch in "Nightmare.." etc. I dunno, all his powers for narration in the scene towards the end where he's describing the Geek to his hobo buddies, are in full force and you forget you're watching Tyrone Power. And if an actor can 'disappear' like that, that's the do all to end all in my opinionated opinion :-)!

Had to love the Lana and Ty/Ty and Lana chapter as well.
