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New Fan

I've just recently discovered Tyrone Power. Of course, I've known about him for a while, but in the last few days I've started watching and buying his movies. I watched The Black Swan last night, Blood and Sand the night before, and Son of Fury before that.

I read with interest the Arce book, "Secret Life" over the last two days. As a gay man, I sympathize if this truly was Ty's secret in a time that he couldn't be open about it. I wonder, however, how reliable a read this book is in terms of accuracy. It seems there are a lot of unnamed sources claiming things about Ty's sexuality. Do folks here know the accuracy of the facts in the book? Any recommendations for additional reading. I have Last Idol as well, but have not read it yet. Does this book follow a similiar path in dissecting the life of Tyrone Power? Are there any upcoming biographies soon to be published?
I hope to get to know others of you here in the forum. Hope there are other men here as well as the ladies.

Re: New Fan

Hello TPFan and welcome :-),

Unfortunately, there are no bios in the horizon for TP, no. As of this writing at least :-). There hasn't been anything major written on him, if I'm not mistaken other than the odd article here and there. Jeanine Basinger's recent book contains some of the 1st (serious) work written on Power for several years now.

As for the Arce book, yes, one has to wonder as to its scolarly value. The fact that there are no footnotes for his sources or even an index for that matter, makes his research a bit suspect. Still, it's the only book out there that discussed TP's bisexuality and it looks like it may be it for a while as well--however accurate or not.

The author of the Last Idol is on a more academic track, and far more detailed oriented, if memory serves, however it follows more of a mainstream path than the Arce book.

Here is a link, for starters, that sites some other reading sources regarding this subject--scroll down to "post-death rumors":

Perhaps someone else here can come up with more thorough info.(?)

Again, welcome TPFan :-)!

Re: Re: New Fan

This is a great site, Joanne. I haven't read the whole posting, but I did check out the comments on this concern.

Tough to say for sure . . .