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"In Old Chicago" Caricature -T. Power, Alice Faye, Do Ameche

Here is a great caricature from the 70's by Bob Harman. It's from the book, "Hollywood Panorama" and it has a panel, like the one below, encompassing all of movie history up until the 70's. Gorgeous art work as well.

close-up "In Old Chicago"...

complete panel:

Re: "In Old Chicago" Caricature -T. Power, Alice Faye, Do Ameche

This is so cute - and I see quite a lot of Ty's ladies are included =)

(btw, is that a young Warren Beatty down on the bottom left? ... not sure, but it does look like him...)

Re: Re: "In Old Chicago" Caricature -T. Power, Alice Faye, Do Ameche

It's Jeffrey Hunter. Beatty isn't in the book and I'm guessing since the book was published in '71, and Harman basically sticks to the silents up to the 50's.

Re: Re: Re: "In Old Chicago" Caricature -T. Power, Alice Faye, Do Ameche

Yeah, I was thinking if it was Warren that would make him feel awfully um...mature (not old, just mature LOL)