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Spanish Articles Page 4

I don't mean to take over the board but I seem to be on a roll today :) The article below had some typos (and what I believe are some factual errors) so I was scratching my head over a couple of lines. But 99 percent of it was fine so I don't think there are any huge errors.

Mourning in Hollywood
•From Spain, Producer Ted Richmond broke the news to Tyrone Power’s mother, who lives on a Boston farm. He may possibly receive military honors

Hollywood, California, November 15 (AFF) – The sudden death in Spain of Tyrone Power caused major shock in the movie capitol, where the famous actor had spent less time in the past few years and had abandoned at the height of his fame.

A hero of the grand tradition established by Hollywood, the handsome and elegant actor was the third of the same name who had achieved a great artistic career. His great-great grandfather, an Irishman, was a theater actor, and his father a great tragedian specializing in playing Shakespearian roles. Tyrone began his career in front of the footlights at the age of seven, by the side of his mother, Patia Tyrone Power.

He surprised Hollywood in 1939 when he married the French actress Annabella, who was older and the mother of a nine-year-old girl. “She helped me more than anyone to discover myself,” he told reporters years later. In 1938 and 1940, he was considered Hollywood’s most popular actor. He certainly was the best paid and the most requested by producers. At that time he was under a 16-year exclusive contract with 20th Century-Fox.

Enlisting in the Marine infantry during the Second World War, he became a pilot for the renowned corps and was sent to the Pacific. Upon his return to Hollywood with the end of hostilities, his friends noticed a great change in the [war] hero, who now appeared impatient and eager for freedom – “my freedom,” he would say, “is the most precious thing; nothing is more important to me than my freedom.” He divorced Annabella in 1948, and immediately after, began to travel around the world, turning up in Paris, later in Mexico, and finally in London, and only returning occasionally to Hollywood.

“He was distant and cold,” his second wife, Linda Christian said, after obtaining a divorce in May 1955. “He always wanted to be left alone,” she added, “even though his Hollywood reputation was that of an amiable and pleasant man, with very cordial manners; nothing was more important to me than him. But he was tired of Hollywood and everything it represented: a superficial life that no longer satisfied him in any way. For that reason he returned to act on the Broadway stage, without giving up film, but making movies only in Europe.”

“I’m happy being celibate,” he declared in 1957, and despite that, the following year he married Deborah Montgomery. The third Mrs. Power is expecting a baby next February.

(The actor’s body was transported this evening from Madrid to the American air base at Torrejon, accompanied by a delegation of the American Air Force stationed in Spain. The funeral chapel of the Madrid clinic where the former pilot and commander died announced that the body will be embalmed at the Torrejon air base and shipped tomorrow morning to the United States. Both the Spanish actors union and Power’s colleagues who were acting in the movie Solomon and Sheba when he experienced his tragic ending sent floral funeral wreaths to the chapel. Furthermore, this night producer Ted Richmond took on the duty of telling Power’s mother, who lives in Boston, the terrible news.)


Photo caption:

Small photo of Ty:
“I want to be free,” was Ty’s sentiment, when World War II ended

There appears to be a caption under the larger photo of Ty and Susan Hayward, but the scan cuts it off. That is Susan Hayward, isn’t it?

Re: Spanish Articles Page 4

Are you kiddin' :-)?!?!?!? Take over the board---take it all by all means (not that you're doing that in any case :-)!!

This is amazing (!) Peachtree--sheesh, the work you're doing!!

Insteresting about the "double". They found one eventually, if memory serves. (There might be a picture of him in one of the newspaper articles (in the Articles section) but I can't for the life of me remember.

As for Lollobrigida being at the hotel, yes that might very well be a mixup as I thought she was on the set that day and indeed, I thought they used her car to get him to the hospital.

Fascinating, too about GL having candles lit in her hotel room for TP.

Re: Re: Spanish Articles Page 4

If GL was the typical Roman Catholic, it's not very unusual to do that. We Catholics are always lighting candles at home as well as church. :)

My grandmother had a candle burning on her vanity and one of my mother's baby brothers was very captured by the flickering light. He tried to climb up to it and somehow the candle fell over, and a fire started. He died from asphexiation.

But it was a very nice gesture for Gina to do that.

So sad, especially when one thinks that the doctor checked Ty--was it the day before??--and noticed that the EKG was off. He wanted to repeat the test but Ty said if there was anything wrong, he didn't want to know. Maybe this could have been thwarted and at least he would have completed the movie and maybe even saw the son he long waited for.

Makes you wonder if Ty was living in today's environment, would he still be smoking 4 packs a day?

Re: Re: Re: Spanish Articles Page 4

One of my other favorite actors, Conrad Veidt, was also a victim of the evil nicotine at a young age. :( Like Ty, he was a very heavy smoker, and died in 1943 at age 50 on the golf course, leaving behind a loving wife (wife no. 3 but this is the marriage that took) and a young daughter.

I believe I read that Ty had been experiencing arm and shoulder pain for several days, but thought it might be tendonitis or something like that. It's all so sad. ;(

Well, the next batch of articles appears to be Mexican in origin from when Abandon Ship opened in theaters there. A more cheerful topic! ;)

Re: Re: Re: Spanish Articles Page 4

I thought he had that EKG a year before and, yes, as you say he didn't want to know? Might have made a difference, might have not, who knows. Can't help but think that it certainly would have helped matters, however!

Re: Spanish Articles Page 4

yes it's Susan Hayward.