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3 new magazine articles added-

3 new mag. articles added. A more interesting crop as "Zorro Comes Back", for one, is written by an extra on the set (includes a great account of the author and TP being accosted by a rattlesnake on location!)

"Secrets..." has the tidbit that Linda Christian's sister had a small part in Prince of Foxes. Had no idea of that though I'm sure others here did :-)

(Gotta love that title of the last one :-)!)
"ZORRO COMES BACK!" Hollywood Dec. '40

"SECRETS OF THE BRIDE" Modern Screen Apr. '49

"WHO'S GONNA GET THE NUDE STATUE?" Sheilah Graham's Hlwd. Yearbook 1955, No. 6

Re: 3 new magazine articles added-

Good thought, Joanne!! Just who did get that statue??

Re: 3 new magazine articles added-

LOL :-)! Good question, who knows. I'm guessing TP didn't get it (or perhaps even want it considering a divorce went along with it). Maybe Linda kept it (and sold it?).