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Happy Birthday Tyrone!

It's Ty's 96th birthday today.

That must some big birthday cake they're serving up there in that great big theater in the sky. :)

Re: Happy Birthday Tyrone!

It's been a long time since I offered an opinion here. I couldn't let this most auspicious day go by without acknowledging the birth of the most glorious male screen presence ever.

For a few hours there, I feared no one here would salute him. I am disgusted, however, with the brush off he has received from two of the big film channels, namely TCM and Fox Movie Channel. Did anyone notice that TCM only showed one film, that being 'Marie Antoinette,' in which he's overshadowed to some extent by N Shearer? And I never heard them say the showing of even this was in acknowledgement of his birthday or mere happenstance.
Forgive some ranting, but with all due respect to character actors and lesser leading players, many of whom are saluted with showings of hours of their films, it is a disgrace to give short shrift to Tyrone Power!!

Granted, until recently TCM had not acquired 20th Century-Fox films, which most of Ty's were. But they've had others of his in their library that could have been broadcast. And the Fox Movie Channel, not to show any at all of the man that reigned supreme at the studio during it's heyday?!

Forgive me, all. But when you've idolized someone for nearly 46 years it's hard not to be their champion.

Re: Happy Birthday Tyrone!

First, a very Happy Birthday to Mr. P!! Things were a bit hectic yesterday and I barely had the chance to put a picture of Tyrone on my Facebook page to honor his birthday and didn't have the chance to get over here.

Carolyn, I sure everyone joins you in frustration. When I came home from class, I checked TCM and they were showing an Andy Hardy film--and honoring Donna Reed. This was pretty late in the day--but TCM could have done a "Ty" moment or something!

Nonetheless, again a Happy Birthday Tyrone Power!

Re: Happy Birthday Tyrone!

I'd like to think they're saving everything up for something really huge for TP's 100th birthday in 2014. ;)

Re: Happy Birthday Tyrone!

That would be truly awesome! Let keep our fingers crossed.

Peachtree--thanks for sharing your thoughts on the Nightmare Alley musical--not sure what to think. Probably should see it before even trying to comment. Interesting project, I must say!