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Re: photos of TP on stage (pictorials)

Wow, Joanne--big thumbs up on this collection.

I especially enjoyed the photos from "Devil's Disciple"--check out the stage makeup on Ty. I would have loved to have seen this live!

I note the picture of Ty and Sonja Henie--I have to admit I really enjoyed the copy of "Thin Ice" you made for me--there was alot more to the film than I had thought.

Great finds, Joanne! Thanks for sharing them with us.

Re: photos of TP on stage (pictorials)

yeah, tell me about it :-)! Wouldn't it have been something to see this live. The pics give you some idea on what it must have been like to see him on stage. (Had no idea that Angus McBean was the photographer until I saw the 'fine print' :-).

Re: photos of TP on stage (pictorials)

Definitely--imagine being able to see Ty live after watching him in film--and hearing his voice, feeling his energy for real (instead of "reel" LOL)!

It's really awesome--you really find some marvelous treasures!