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The Tyrone Power Story

Well, at last it has aired on the Fox Movie Channel. Given how long it was in coming, I could have wished for more. Tom Rothman did a good job overall, the film cuts and photographs were tops. For substance, I feel Ty was slighted somewhat and as a champion of his for over 45 years, I take issue with some of the material. I realize the piece was presented in the context of the close but contentious relationship between Ty and Zanuck, however Rothman made some pointedly negative inferences about Ty's career. For example, that as early as 1946-47, when he was in his mid-30's,that his appeal was fading and he was soon to be eclipsed, that he was too old to play romantic parts and that his career was already on the wane! Give me a break. Further, he implied that many of his postwar films were flops--measured by what yardstick?
It was clearly suggested that by 1958 he had little left of a career when we know that's not true. I feel it was very unflattering and perhaps not altogether accurate to report that Ty alone wanted Robert Evans fired from 'The Sun Also Rises.' Other cast principals were not happy with Evans. Lastly, I have to question the authenticity of some of the quotations attributed to Ty-- some of these do not present him in the best light. What came off was welcome, but could have had a more positive slant in his favor--after all, he did a lot for the prestige of 20th Century Fox!

Re: The Tyrone Power Story

Agreed, Carolyn--I also was disappointed with the program. I thought there were too many tangents at the beginning of the program.

More could have (actually should have) been said about Fox's biggest money maker. As I said in another post, TCM did almost a 2 hour tribute to Errol Flynn, and I feel Ty deserves a similar tribute--certainly more than this (less than!!!) 1/2 hour commentary. They could have ran one of the commentaries from the box sets and would have done far better.

Truly a disappointment!

Re: The Tyrone Power Story

Many thanks for the update guys. At least we got some crumbs from the table--too bad iit appeared like a half hearted attempt.

(Like an idiot I ended up missing the broadcast so I'll be armed and ready when it re-airs.)

Re: The Tyrone Power Story

Joanne, that was due to your intuition!

Re: The Tyrone Power Story

LOL!!! Naw, my own stupidity, Melody :-) Hopefully, I'll get my act together this Sunday--poor documentary that it is :-(.

Re: The Tyrone Power Story

I finally got my act together and saw this. Have to agree with everyone that it was somewhat of a disappointment. BTW, did anyone get the sense that the host was loathe to leave the spotlight?! I kept looking for photos of TP while we listened to narration but instead there was Tom Rothman, repeatedly front and center.

Agree with Carolyn that the take on TP's latter career was inaccurate--if not a bit bizarre-- considering this was the time that he made some of his most successful films.

Still, I think the off-screen footage was priceless almost made up for what was (sorely!) lacking in the show otherwise.

Re: The Tyrone Power Story

It sucked, and I wrote Tom Rothman and told him so.