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Truth or False

Can anyone shed light on the rumor , the council has given a removal notice to Ms. Hinse. I say rumor as my sister informed me but she often gets things messed up. She was told by another employee that it this happened.

Re: Truth or False

I heard the same thing from a Caddo Nation employee so there must be some truth in it somewhere. If so, I'm impressed with this new council and maybe they can lead us to progress. OUT WITH THE OLD AND IN WITH THE NEW!!!!!!!!!!

Even Larue herself has stated in her letters to the membership that this is a very sharp, hard-working council that she is very proud to be working with.

I agree with Larue, they are very sharp indeed.

Re: Truth or False

Yes I confirmed it, however, LaRue is very mad, and from what I have heard will not call another council meeting, and Mary Lou is mad as well. Should tell the membership something

Re: Truth or False

I agree to a degree they must be somewhat sharp, however not too sharp since it has taken them this long to realize what they like. But I will give credit where credit is due. Also, my sister said they were not only going to honor boards and I 'm like Why , they get paid to sit on most of the board, plus they are going to honor employees, My guess Brenda Smith will be on that list, she is afterall the longest employee there, thanks to Christine, she put her on the JTPA program, and then he was hired. I know this for a fact- This in my opinion is one of LaRue's and Joyce's tricks, do something to draw in their supporters. Afterall, who is going to vote against them of their child is being honored. Benda isn't even Caddo o her family can't vote.
Just a ploy. I probably won't go. Frankly , I do not need to see all that, I wonder if they are going to honor the Election Board chair- she doe get paid a weeky check, ILLEGAL as it may be she does take it. She owes money to the tribe

Re: Truth or False

Just business as usual. All of larue's support is bought and paid for somewhere down the line. Her own family won't even back her unless she pays them.

And another thing...who in the hell wrote that stupid message to the people from the chairman? Boy did she make them look stupid. Anyone who knows larue or anything about "her accomplishments" listed there, knows she didn't write that, and knows she had very little, to nothing, to do with the vast majority of whats listed there.

Re: Truth or False

Enough is enough! The only constant people in this whole mess are Parker and Hinse. Get rid of them and their cohorts and you will get rid of our problems. THE BUCK STOPS HERE PARKER AND HINSE! Here's your parting gift and thank you for playing