South Tyneside 765 diving club

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South Tyneside 765 diving club
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The reason is simple enough: Diablo 2's realms.

Actually, the BKFK had begun to splinter off back in Diablo 1 days... the main reason was playing times. Our British members got tired of having our tournaments start at 2 AM their time , and from that the BKFK formed. Then they got their own division of the website, and then their own site, and then the KFK went through one of its recessions while the BKFK continued to prosper. By the time KFK revived, D2's realms divided us forever

But, que sera sera, eh?

-Duke RexMan

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I dont get the split between BKFK and KFK, y arent u just one clan?? specially if KFK is in such bad shape...


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Oh, it's fallen apart all right =)

The /friends list is all that lets us play with each other.

Renovator is trying to get me to join his d2/SC guild, [DK] (dark knights). Although I think Knights of the Frozen Keep sounds infinately cooler, there are always a ton of ppl in channel "clan [dk]", so I'm thinking about trying to get all remaining six members to join [dk].

[DK]'s website is down right now... I'll at least wait until I get to see it. You can learn a lot about a guild from their site =)

To borrow from ex-Queen Solea:

May the Light guide you on your journey.

-Duke RexMan

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it's nice to see you're still going - I was hoping it wasnt going to fall apart and it seems as if it hasnt

I'll update links etc for the new site addy, and hopefully we'll see you around.

well met


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Greetings from the American Knights of the Frozen Keep!

Just wondering how your half of the guild has been doing... right now the KFK has become a group of about 8 people that have each others ICQ numbers and bnet account names and play with each other occasionally. Not great, but still nice to have someone to help you with a quest or mule items with safely.

After Queen Solea retired from D2, I started working on a new site for the KFK. Solea just recently restored our old site in all its ancient glory, but meanwhile I made

Check it out! Stop by the Dancing Demon Tavern and share a drink.

-Duke RexMan