USLCES Guestbook

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December 3rd 2012
11:50:56 AM
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I think your site was very helpful thankyou very much

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September 28th 2011
04:29:07 PM
What is your name?  

Vivian Henry

Where are you from?  

Vancouver Island, St'at'imc at heart

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I am looking for real-hard copies of my late grandpa Grand Chief James Scotchman. Re: his work in & for St'at'imc people, as well as pics of him in his regalia (veteran & war/chief bonnet). I know his history, but need to back it up with authored work.
Why? I'm doing a poster on him for time is short. If you can help, email me. I can pay for copies of pics & printing costs.

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March 6th 2008
10:10:47 AM
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Marcia James

How did you find this website?  

clicked on marcell's 360 page

Where are you from?  

mount currie

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very nice website

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February 27th 2008
02:01:13 PM
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Theresa Fenton-Bob

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looking for info

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Is there a place I can find out more info on the herbs and medicines we used to use?

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February 9th 2008
03:25:25 PM
What is your name?  


What is the title of your website:  

kanem snuwa

Type a quick description of your website:  

This is a personal page where family goes to visit or close friends, Relatives

How did you find this website?  

I googled it!

Where are you from?  

Tipella BC

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I just would like to say I proudly mention you on my website with a link Please add my link to your page if you feel it is a related subject.

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April 11th 2005
03:11:23 PM
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The Bravenet Team

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