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Election ?? Comics??? Ignorance of Constitution & Election Ordinance???

Cannot believe, and assuming this is Jennifer Wilson and Charlotte Bentley making these utterly ridiculous decisions as to who is a candidate and who is not. Holler if there were others involved, I know there is but just not Election Board Members. How stupid do you think the Caddo people are and do you not know who can file for office and the reasons stated in the Constitution and Bylaws and the Election Ordinance and the reasons stated in the Constitution and Election Ordinance for disqualification?

Do you not know "sitting at a Membership meeting, listening and voting on something to overturn anything the Council does and making MOTIONS "if you are recalled or removed you cannot run for office, etc.", is not in the Constitution or Election Ordinance, how idiotic is that. Can you read, if so, read, read, read, ACCORDING TO THE CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS YOU CAN ONLY OVERTURN A COUNCIL DECISION OR ACTION BY "REFERENDUM VOTE". You cannot set at a meeting and rewrite the Constitution or do you think that is a possibility. Probably do..........

Do not know much about any of the Election Board members other than what I have been told. Did see Jennifer at the CFR Court supporting Carla Guy, watched while Ms. Guy's attorney was sitting there in handcuffs. That is not the Caddo way. Does Ms. Wilson have a business or "sideline business" selling Indian merchandise she has either made or purchased to sell? And is this how you promote your business, supporting those who appear to not only violate Federal, State laws, etc., but also violates, be it written or custom, laws of the Caddo Nation.

And Charlotte, again, do not know you, only what your sister Diane has said, but would suggest you know what you are voting or seconding motions on before you make them. Am talking about Motion 04: at the Membership meeting held January 21, 2012. Some of the things stated at that meeting, in my opinion, reading the minutes of January 21, 2012, verge on the edge of slander. Actually, my credit rating is terrific, my name is also pretty much respected in this town and for the most part in the tribe, will wait and see how things turn out. I take nothing laying down. Not my way of doing things.

Will wait for more to see how the Election Board clarifies the candidates and the reasons they disqualify them. Could be a wise move for the Election Board to read the Constitution and Election Ordinance and make their decisions and not listen to those who obviously don't mind throwing people to the wolves. Those wolves are turning and would say don't be taken down with them.

Re: Election ?? Comics??? Ignorance of Constitution & Election Ordinance???

Two members of the Caddo Nation were deemed to not be able to run for Tribal Office because they had been removed by recall and removal.

There are two notations in the Constitution to not be able to run for office: (1) If you have been indebted to the tribe over two (2) years and (2) If you have been convicted of a felony within two (2) years prior to the election. Though the Constitution needs to be more current, presently, THOSE ARE THE ONLY TWO REASONS GIVEN IN THE CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS THAT PROHIBITS YOU FROM RUNNING.

Both candidates received a letter stating basically "you have recalled or removed therefore you are ineligible to run for office". ELECTION BOARD - READ YOUR CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS. EITHER YOU HAVEN'T READ IT OR YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND AND SHOULD NOT BE MAKING THE DECISIONS YOU ARE MAKING.

On January 21, 2012, first at a recall meeting on Jennifer, sixty-eight (68) days after receiving the petition, (the Constitution states the Chairman shall call for a recall meeting within fifteen (15) days of receiving a valid petition). Sixty-Eight (68) days, this group did their dance on Jennifer.

After the recall meeting, the chair, with the help of a bunch of yahooos who knew nothing about tribal business or the Constitution, nor at the time did they care, called for a membership meeting to discuss Laura Jarvis did a dance on her head. The group voted that Laura Jarvis had been seated illegally since 2010. The leaders of this group were Carla Guy and Diana Woodward, not on their own mind you. And by the way, one is not an illegal Council Member and the other is Business Manager, have heard her job played out in Texas.

Shortly a petition for recall was served on Brenda Edwards, was given to Cristine Noah, Business Manager who was to put it in a safe place. The petition never made it to light. Trying to think of a word to what happened, would you say "QUASHED" Carla? Noah was terminated for accepting the petition on Brenda. Was never presented for a recall meeting.

Brenda Edwards put Kenny Poindexter in as OKC Rep and Carla Guy as Treasurer, both illegal, seats are not vacant. Couldn't find anyone sharp enough for Secretary so that continued vacant in their meetings and to fill the Vice-Chairman's position, even illegally, was too much of a threat to the queen (ugh) on the throne, so it stayed vacant.

To make a long story short, Jennifer Reeder was illegally (68 days) recalled, Todd Goodman was illegally removed (illegal Council), Marilyn was illegally removed (illegal Council) and Teresa Keller was neither removed or recalled, basically they considered her non-existent, but to keep her from running for office stated "she owed money". Not true.

Now, while the Tribal Council is to stay out of Election Board business, and that is a laugh for the last two administrations, the Constitution and Bylaws and Election Ordinance have been completely ignored by this Election Board and it is TIME FOR THOSE ON THE COUNCIL WHO HAVE NOT ONLY SOME SMARTS BUT KNOWS THESE VIOLATIONS ARE BLATANT, TO STEP UP AND TELL THE ELECTION BOARD TO (HELLO) READ THE CONSTITUTION AND ELECTION ORDINANCE AND MAKE THE RIGHT DECISION FOLLOWING THOSE DOCUMENTS.

Would like each and every one who participated in the January 12, 2012 meeting to know, YOU CAN REJECT ANY ACTION OF THE TRIBAL COUNCIL BY REFERENDUM ELECTION AND YOU CAN CHANGE THE WORDING OF THE CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS BY A SECRETARIAL ELECTION. You cannot make your motions at a membership meeting and change anything..........