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Re: Reflections of an EX - C.F.S. sufferer

FREEDOM/RELEASE: I now find myself an EX-C.F.S. sufferer. (PRAISE GOD!!) I
have known the fear of being curled up in a foetal position in bed all day, with intense muscle pain from head to toe, and the strongest dose of painkiller in the house, only just taking the edge off it. I have known the strain on our marriage, as my wife struggled with the frustration of having to cuddle up to a slimy, sweaty husband for months, who was often too weak to even return a decent hug. My heartfelt desire in sharing the story of how I was released from C.F.S. is that it may assist others to find a pathway of healing from this debilitating illness. I have no desire to be controversial, but must share the TRUTH of how God set me free.

On Saturday the 5th of June 1999, I attended a seminar on the cults/occult, and in particular, freemasonry. At the end of that night, there was a time of corporate prayer, out loud, specifically renouncing the generational curses that come about as a result of the oaths taken in masonic rituals. (I have never been a mason and have rejected becoming involved, however, I understand at least 3 generations of my forefathers have been masons.) At the end of that night, God through his Holy Spirit did some MAJOR SURGERY in my life. Since that night, all the major symptoms of C.F.S. in my body have ceased! (MORE INFORMATION

Two days later, I went on a 4-day break with my wife, during which we walked 4 to 5 kilometres per day. I had rarely walked with my wife, for years before that, and would have to turn back early, if I did. I had to be careful and not over do things for a while, as I at times, still struggled with tiredness. My muscles were occasionally sore and stiff, due to the shock of extra use, after years of inactivity. In over 5 years since that night, I have had one relapse (when all the symptoms of C.F.S. returned, for 2 days in bed), from which I received release, by prayerfully renouncing Masonic curses in a similar way to the night of my original healing. My stamina/energy levels have now returned to pre 1995 levels, and I am currently completing a primary school teaching degree, as well as being the primary carer for my disabled son.

C.F.S. is a very perplexing and multifaceted illness. I believe its causes include environmental (pollution/ chemical sensitivity), physical (viral/dietary), emotional (long term stress/grief), medical (vaccinations), and spiritual issues (generational curses through occult involvement), to name some. There are many readily accessible resources about all but the last of these. Unlike native/indigenous peoples, our "western world, rational thinking mindset", has difficulty accepting that physical harm can result from negative spiritual involvement, in the form of generational curses. We hear a lot in the medical field, about people being genetically predisposed to a certain illness or disease, including C.F.S. (eg several members of a family with the same non-contagious illness). I believe in many (NOT ALL) cases, there is a spiritual predisposition, in the form of a generational curse at the root of that genetic predisposition. Unless these generational curses are renounced and cut off, then there is a "freedom" for diseases to continue to manifest down a generational line.

My challenge to you is to prayerfully consider your spiritual heritage, and seek out people/resources, to assist you with any issues, which may be keeping you in ill health. By all means, continue to pursue all possible issues that may be causing your illness, but don't spend lots of money and time pursuing others, while ignoring/neglecting the spiritual. If in many cases, C.F.S. is spiritually rooted, we should not find it surprising that medical science is finding the mysteries of the illness hard to unravel, by the testing of physical body specimens.

Through the hardest months of my illness, I declared I would widely promote and sell anything that gave me SUSTAINED release from C.F.S. I promote to you the healing power of Jesus Christ, through the renouncing of generational curses. I can't however sell it to you, because it will not cost you anything!!

Queensland, AUSTRALIA.

P.S. Please feel free to pass this on to any others you know of struggling with C.F.S. or fibromyalgia. They need all the POSITIVE news they can get!

Some months after my healing, I met another lady who had been battling C.F.S for 17 years (she had been president of a New Zealand C.F.S. support group), who was completely set free in a similar way, for the same reason as I was.


I have no personal or financial interest in any of the organizations referenced in this