Wauchope/Walkup Guestbook

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June 26th 2024
01:37:14 PM
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Stumbled on it pecking around online.

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Kentucky, USA

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I\'m researching my step-daughter\'s ancestry as a birthday gift for her (tree, photos, records, etc.). I tracked her to Margaret \"Walkup\" Gay Hamilton, hit a wall, found your site and have so much more to share. Your site is BRILLIANT!

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April 23rd 2022
08:33:45 AM
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Andrew Wauchope

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Followed it when it was posted elsewhere

Where are you from?  

Wauchope/Wahab Ulster

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Bruce, we were in touch some years ago. My father George Duncan appears in Glady\'s Wauchope\'s book. You site says you hade no DNA participation from my branch but I did take part in the first test and had a result. I thought it had been shared with you as you organised it. Was it actually shared? I have a certificate somewhere.

This year I am Master of the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers and as a result have had my arms matriculated by Lord Lyon.

I am happy to send you a copy of the engrossment and a picture of them if it would interest you.

All best,


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October 9th 2020
08:27:07 AM
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Michelle Lynette Waugh

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West Virginia

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Stumbled across this website researching my family history/ancestry. Just wanted to say hello to all of my fellow Clan Waugh/Wauchope family. ❤️

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September 28th 2020
10:35:09 AM
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Johnny Mack Walkup

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Looking for Native American connectio

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Western Oklahoma

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Would like to know more about the Viking and Templar Connection.

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May 12th 2019
03:19:24 AM
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O Rose

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Google search

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New York

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Thanks for publishing this information . I am a descendant in Marrie Wauchope of Westmoreland, Jamaica.

January 1st 2013
05:42:44 PM
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john thomas walkup

Where are you from?  

florence sc

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February 5th 2012
06:04:00 AM
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John James Wauchope

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My Grandfather Major R Wauchope and Mother Joan Wauchope Ulster Branch

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December 16th 2011
11:02:41 AM
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Michael Walkup

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Where are you from?  

West Virginia

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Thanks so much. I had hit a dead end at Samuel and Nancy and I find your further research fascinating. Email me sometime. I'd love hear about what branch you are in. Here is mine in case you are curious:

Samuel and Nancy (Alexander) Wauchope-->
Joseph and Jane (Graham) Vauchub-->
Robert and Mary (Meeks) Walkup-Vauchub-->
John and Nancy (Cutlip) Walkup-Vauchub-->
George and Martha (Kincaid) Walkup-->
Robert and Nancy Jane (Hendrickson) Walkup-->
Newman Forrest and Hallie (Warren) Walkup-->
Gary and Wanda (Shreve) Walkup-->

I'd love to hear if you have any more information on this line in addition to how far up our common ancestors are. There are some in the line I mentioned above that are unverified.

Thanks again.

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February 6th 2011
12:00:38 PM
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Walter Scott Walkup

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Google Walkup

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You have an excellent webpage for walkup's to learn about their ancestry

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