The Ex Suez Veterans Association

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Suez Veterans Association.

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BUY PENTOBARBITAL NEMBUTAL SECURE Email: (keys2pharm(@) tutanota (.)com) OR  Email: keys2pharma (at) Protonmail (.) com ______________________________________________________ The Quest To Buy Nembutal Online Is Increasing On A Daily basis. Many Reason...
Views: 66   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 18, 2022 9:29am
More in hope than anticipation
Would anyone be interested in answering a roll call for surviving Canal Zone Vets? They are now classified as an endangered species. “Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the light...
Views: 105   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 6, 2022 11:18pm
by Charles Lewis
Remembering the Suez Vets of 2002, fighting the good fight for recognition
I do remember you all from time to time. How are you doing? Is Richard Woolley still "webmastering" this site? Best wishes to those of you still around. Anne
Views: 168   Replies: 6
Last Post: Jul 3, 2022 10:23am
by Anne Ammundsen
Suez 1956 Veterans sought for Television Documentary
Hi, I am a historian working as a researcher for Proper Job Films, a Bristol based documentary film company. At this point we are looking to speak to veterans from any of branch of the services who served in Suez in 1956: we may widen his to other years once we have...
Views: 119   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 19, 2022 4:38pm
by John Beales-Prop...
Typhoid outbreaks at R.A.F. Abyad..
Saida! Several times over the years I've heard "In 1950 there was a massive typhoid outbreak at R.A.F. Abyad. 300 died." Most Saturdays I have a phone chat with a Suez-vet pal, and to-day the topic came up again. I again searched the net, and found this - ht...
Views: 328   Replies: 2
Last Post: May 8, 2022 11:59am
by John Gratn
Are followers of this Forum (if there are any left..)interested in 1950s Military Nostalgia? If so, please say so and more will follow. If on the other hand, the response is nil, then I shall,like the Arabs, fold up my tent and silently steal away.... BB -------...
Views: 587   Replies: 17
Last Post: Apr 20, 2022 2:40pm
by Peter Jannece
Trying to contact SVA colleagues.
I am Peter Jannece. Ex RAOC and I served in 10 BOD. Geneifa,1955. Any around to talk. John Norman I have lost your contact details.
Views: 107   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 20, 2022 2:32pm
by Peter Jannece
Standard in Sunderland
Hello. Public Notices are usually printed in numerous places so I make no apology for entering this notice which is copied from the Notice Board page on the website. The more people who know about this event the happier we will be :speakin...
Views: 322   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jan 16, 2022 12:27pm
by William Black
East Surrey Regiment - Port Louis Camp, Tel-el-Kebir
I would be interested in contacting anyone who served with the 1st East Surreys at Port Louis Camp, Tel-el-Kebir in or around 1954.
Views: 178   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 14, 2021 2:08pm
by Mark Wood
Suez 1950
I was born in Moascer in 1950 when my father, James Moffat was serving with the Royal Engineers. Unfortunately my dad died in 1986 but I'd love to hear from anyone who knew or who served with dad
Views: 228   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 5, 2021 9:54am
by Lynne Copping
Looking for info on my grandad - Gordon Frederick Watling (LAC)
Hello, I am assisting my dad in looking for information on my grandad (his father) who served in the Suez for 2yrs from approx 1950 to 1952. His name was Gordon Frederick Watling and was an LAC nursing attendant/medic in the RAF and served in serveral camps on...
Views: 210   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 15, 2021 6:36pm
by Shaun Watling
Can anyone tell me why the dates for the veterans medals were started from 1951, when RAF personnel where in Suez in 1949.
Views: 272   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 28, 2021 4:57pm
by Charles Lewis
David phelps or Harry Rose Royal Corps of Signals
Did anyone know David Phelps or Harry Rose? My father David Phelps served in the Royal Corps of Signals and would like to find any one who remembers him. He gave me the name of Harry Rose.If anyone remembers him please get in touch. thank you Emma (david's daughter)
Views: 184   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 5, 2021 11:24am
by david phelps
R.A.F. Kasfareet - Exiles Cycling Club.
Pruning my CD collection, I found one "The **** Inn, Clifton, Derbyshire, 20th June 2013, which contains a 14-minute video of a get-together of elderly Exiles C.C. members. I tried forward it to Ray Maddox, whom I knew to be a Kasfareet veteran, but my "what's you...
Views: 254   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 24, 2021 6:25pm
by John Grant
Did you know Corporal John Ovens, Suez Zone early 50’s ?
John spent time during his National Service in Suez in 582 Coy RASC during 1951 or 1952. He is 90 next week and, whilst not in good health John speaks about his time there quite often and in a good way unless flies and sand come up. He was a corporal and pleased wit...
Views: 270   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 31, 2021 8:08am
by Robert Phelps
18th February 1956
In memory of the 44 RAF lads who were coming home after serving their tour of duty in the Suez Canal Zone, and one army lad who was coming home on compassionate leave. They all lost their lives on 18th February 1956 when the Avro York plane in which they were travell...
Views: 336   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 17, 2021 4:23pm
by Richard Woolley
Is it over?
It is now..... Pity... Ne'er mind, eh? BB (now in his nineties)
Views: 339   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 17, 2021 1:26am
by Charles Lewis
The Date
Well, it has arrived, the first day of January 2021. Whatever happens now and in the future, I wish you all the best of luck. Take care. Hope.
Views: 293   Replies: 0
Last Post: Dec 31, 2020 11:28pm
by Hope
The virus
I would just like in this very stressful time to wish all my former Suez comrades good health and hope that the restrictions on us with self isolating are not making your lives difficult in any way. Our area of British Columbia has been affected but not in the seriou...
Views: 406   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 31, 2020 8:22pm
by Bob Sharp
friends from Australia
Hi guys and friends glad to see that the website is still operating Thanks to Richard. it seems that the Motherland is in a bad way with this virus, lets hope that they can get rid of it quickly. I dont hear from many Veterans these days I dont think there is many...
Views: 376   Replies: 5
Last Post: Aug 20, 2020 10:54pm
by Charles Lewis
Francis Colin Mills (Frank)
My father Frank Mills passed away peacefully on 24th April. He had many memories of his time in the Royal Military Police and his dog Kim.There may be members of the association who remember him. Funeral will be at 1pm on 24th May, and your special thoughts at that t...
Views: 353   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 8, 2020 2:57pm
by Maria Mills
Suez Veterans Association in the USA?
Hello There, I found this website/forum while looking for info about the Suez Canal. My dad is from America but was sent to the Suez Canal crisis/war during his army time in the US (1955-1958) I was wondering if anyone has any info if there is an Suez Veterans...
Views: 341   Replies: 2
Last Post: Apr 30, 2020 12:34pm
by Richard Woolley
The end is near
If my count is correct there have been seven posts since march 7, does somebody pay for this page, I am no investment counsellor but I am not sure this is a good investment, but good on you for giving it a try. Funny two of us diagnosed a dying patient, and were crit...
Views: 373   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 23, 2020 3:45am
by Bob Sharp
Hullo folks, Apologies for my absence - I must admit (with no little guilt) that I've not visited this forum for a while, but will take this chance to wish all my old friends (and foes?) the best of health in the current crisis, and hope that we soon return to wha...
Views: 359   Replies: 0
Last Post: Apr 9, 2020 8:06pm
by John Grant
James Ernest Holmes
I did contact the Association on behalf of my late father , who was a proud Suez veteran and part of this association. My father Jimmy or Mim Holmes passed away last year aged 89. He was in the RAF and always said he was a wing Commander 1st class , his discharge g...
Views: 357   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 21, 2020 9:23pm
by Shaun Holmes
Gday day me old mates
hi gang its good to see and hear from you all, at one time ( during the Medal campaign ) we were all brothers fighting for the same thing. its good to see so many names that I used to converse with. Reference to our service I was on guard at El-Ballah the night the...
Views: 363   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 17, 2020 12:10pm
by John Dodd
Were You there?
Were You there? I was! August 31st 31/8/1950 John Golby, Robert Smith and Edward Hensman – Egypt Bored by the tedium of their Suez Canal posting in Fayid, three soldiers, all from Hackney, east London, yearned for a bit of fun. They decided that even the...
Views: 381   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 8, 2020 4:26pm
by Bill Badger
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